Tuesday, September 27, 2016


     We need to raise capital to sustain the growth and the development of our economy and in turn, it will generate useful employment. But for this FDI is a good option in the short run and recently the Indian Government's decision to raise it to 100% in Defence and Aviation sector is a good move.
     But my concern is 100% FDI in the defence sector. It means private sector will play a huge role in the proliferation of weapons and defense equipment and will give boost the weapons market.
    Weapons for the defense of the country is one thing and weapons for terrorist and common people be another. And this another thing is the cause of my concern. You know that in business, private players made no distinction between good and bad and they only see their business from profit and loss point of view. And for the profit, they can go to any extent.
     Why I raised this question on private defense sector? In the news, you heard of the dreadful attack in schools and colleges in the U.S.by teenagers. At that time many questions came into my mind, how and from where they got guns and rifles? How common people get easy access to these dreadful weapons? The Recent event of Orlando massacre is also pointed towards easy access of weapons by the terrorist. How ISIS and other terror outfits get access to the latest weapons and who provides them? These and other questions raise alarms on the proliferation of weapons and marks the big question on the future of the peace in the world. Otherwise these weapons will wipe out the peace of the world.
    I urge Government to look into this issue seriously and make stringent laws for Private weapons and defense equipment manufacturers to regulate their businesses for the cause and safety of the people and a country.
   Many people still thinks this is futile question and there is no reason to worry. But is it a futile question? Think again.


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