Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Reservation ????

    Day by day Reservation becomes more and more critical issue in India and in the arena of politics. Patidar agitation and now Maratha agitation is recent examples of the fight over the reservation in education and in government jobs. Whether they really need it? What is the consequence of this ?
   Maratha starts their agitation for justice for Kopardi rape and murder victim. I support them in this agitation but soon unfortunately focus of this agitation is a change from justice for that victim to the right to a reservation. Why can't we think that girl was a daughter of India and not belong to or represent any caste or religion? Actually, this issue related to the security of all women in India and their right to security and right to move and live freely in every corner of the country.
In the name of justice for a victim they put forward their demand for reservation and this is most undesirable event happened in this agitation. I will take these issues one by one.
   They raised the question on atrocity act. From my point of view, every rules and regulation have loopholes but it does not mean that we scrape these rules and regulations in the event of their misused by some handful people. Instead of scraping these rules and regulation, we have to bring reforms in these rules and regulation to serve the need of the justice and to stop misused by anyone. For example, some people especially men have accused that Domestic Violence Act of 2005 was misused by some women but it does not mean that we can scrap this act because someone misused that act.
   Now I am turning to the issue of rape and violence against women. For these cruel acts, we blame the government, law, and police. But we are all searching for a concrete solution on these. Some say give a sword to each and every girl to protect herself to end these evil acts. But tit for tat is not a permanent solution for this. So which one is a perfect solution ? We have the solution so don't search it anywhere because we are the solution. Only we, the people will bring positive changes in the society. The role of every man in the society is still important. For that at every ward level, at every village level, we have to inculcate moral values in our children and youth and give them sex education through schools, assembly, sports, and festivals. Now you will ask why sex education when it is not part of Indian culture? The answer is Sun temple at Konark where the stone sculpture was made as a medium to promote sex education. This temple is part of our ancient history and we are part of Modern India then why we shy away from sex education? It is equally important. And in this noble work, each and every community is an equal stakeholder and it is their moral responsibility to make it possible. And please don't give the color of religion and caste to these sensitive issues.
I know this is one of the difficult solutions but only people can bring changes in the society in which they live.
    Now, reservation. The main  aim of reservation is upliftment of downtrodden, socially backward classes. At that time reservation was not based on economic condition but on the social basis. But now a day every community, especially upper castes wants' reservation in education and government jobs on the basis of the economic condition. Why did this happen? Why everyone wants a reservation? Today our economy is growing fast but at the same time, we are unable to create jobs to match the growing population of India. And at the same time, the dismal performance of the farming sector and drought hit village economy hard. On the other hand, day by day education becomes dearer so that poor can't afford the higher educations. Overall, these issues forced other communities to call for a reservation.
   Not only Maratha but every other community in India thought that their plights will solve after reservation. But this is not true. And one more thing that they never get a reservation on this basis. Why? Supreme Court in his judgment clearly states that quota should not exceed 50% reservation. Last year Maharashtra government gave notification regarding reservation and it crossed the permissible level of 50%. They gave away 76% reservation(16% for Maratha). And in the court of law, this is illegal and no government could exceed that limit. This is main legal hurdles for Maratha reservation. Click here for the Supreme Court judgment. http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/quota-should-not-exceed-50-says-supreme-court/article1246701.ece
   Today Maratha community demanding reservation tomorrow Brahman community will call for a reservation. But in this case, Brahman community is also right in demanding reservation like Maratha community. It's not about community but it's about the economic backwardness of a person or family. So why we demand reservation for one community? Today, reservation for one community, create haters among other communities. This is a big concern and for this, we have to create a reservation for economically backward persons and not for any community. After all, we are human beings.
   Then what about SC/ST and OBC reservation? We have to go slowly to do away with the reservation. And we have to do this after taking different communities into confidence. This is not an easy process but for better India, we have to take this step. First, we have to blurred the lines between different communities, castes, and religions so that we can move towards one society one rule.
   I moved to different villages and find cast is still a dominant force in the villages. Because of this, backward classes suffered a lot from hands of upper castes. So have to remove castes from roots, from all its form. Without this, we cannot imagine casteless and reservation less society. Then why can't we fight together  against casteism and for equal society instead for reservation?
   Education plays important role in our life and in the development of a country. It has the strength to bring a reform in the society. It is a key to economic and social growth. So, it is imperative to give education to all free of cost irrespective of castes and religion.
   Few months ago, I meet few Ambedkarite businessmen in Pune who are successful in their respective field without taking single benefit from the government scheme. They are doing well. And look at other personalities around you who made their mark by following their dreams and not reservation. PM Modi is live example. Read about Smriti Irani, Nawazuddin Siddhiqui, M.S. Dhoni who had small beginnings but made it big in life. If they can, why can't we?
   In the end, I can only say that don't look at what you don't have?. Look at what you have. Merits and marks are not important. To make a mark in your life you don't need good marks or reservation but dedication and hard work.
   I hope reservation will go and will not remain a big issue in our India.



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